Flu Shot Side Effect 2021

Flu Shot Side Effect 2021- Is The Flu Vaccine Safe?

Flu Shot Side Effect 2021: Flu vaccines Shot have long immunity. Hundreds of millions of Americans have received the flu vaccine safely over the past 50 years, and extensive research has been carried out to support flu vaccine safety.
The flu vaccine is the first and best way to reduce the risk of contracting the flu and passing it on to others. The CDC recommends getting vaccinated against flu at least every 6 months each year.

Can I get the flu from the flu vaccine?

No, the flu vaccine cannot cause flu. Vaccines either contain an inactivated virus, which means the viruses are no longer contagious, or a particle that resembles the flu virus in your immune system. Although the flu vaccine nasal spray contains live viruses, the viruses have mutated so they cannot give you the flu.

Does the flu shot have any side effect?

Flu Shot Side Effect 2021 | Flu Shot Symptoms

Like any medicine, vaccines can have side effect. Flu Shot Side Effect 2021 are usually mild and go away on their own within a few days.
Common Flu Shot Side Effect 2021 are:

  • Pain, redness and / or swelling from the injection
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Muscle pressure
  • The flu vaccine, like other injections, can sometimes lead to fainting.

Some research has found a low link between the flu vaccine and Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). Overall, these studies estimate the risk of developing GBS after vaccination to be less than 1 or 2 GBS per million vaccinated. Other studies have found no relevance. {Flu Shot Side Effect 2021}. GBS is rare after the flu. While GBS is rare after the flu, GBS is more common after the flu infection than after the flu shot. GBS is not associated with nasal spray vaccination.

flu shot side effects 2021, flu shot side effects
flu shot side effect 2021, flu shot side effect

Flu Shot Side Effect | Flu Shot Symptoms

Are there any signs or symptoms of concern after the flu shot? | Flu Shot Symptoms

With any vaccine, look out for abnormal conditions such as high fever, changes in behavior, or signs of a severe allergic reaction after vaccination.

Flu Shot Side Effects: Symptoms of a severe allergic reaction can include:

  • Breathing problems
  • Hoarseness or wheezing
  • Swelling around the eyes or lips
  • goose
  • paleness
  • Weakness
  • Fast heartbeat or dizziness
  • Life-threatening allergic reactions to the flu vaccine are rare.

These symptoms are more likely to appear within minutes to hours of vaccination.

What should I do if I think I have a severe reaction to the flu vaccine?

If you think it might be a severe allergic reaction or some other emergency that you can’t wait for, call 9-1-1 and go to the nearest hospital. Otherwise, contact your doctor.
The reaction should then be reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Your doctor can prepare this report, or you can do it yourself using the external icon on the VAERS website or by calling 1-800-822-7967.

What should I do if I think I have the flu shot?

If you think you have been vaccinated against the flu, you may be eligible for federal compensation for your injuries if you meet certain criteria. For more information, visit the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program website or call 1-800-338-2382.
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Are there people who shouldn’t get the flu vaccine?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends getting an annual flu shot every 6 months or more, except on rare occasions. Some of the people who cannot get the flu vaccine include:

Infants under 6 months of age are too young to be vaccinated against the flu. People with severe and life-threatening allergies to the flu vaccine or any part of the vaccine. People should speak to their doctor before getting the flu shot if:

You are allergic to eggs or any of the ingredients in the vaccine. For more information about egg allergies and the flu vaccine, see Special Considerations For Egg Allergies. You have Guillain-BarrĂ© Syndrome (GBS). I’m not doing well. There are many vaccines for the flu, and not all flu vaccines can be given to people of all ages. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions about which flu vaccine is best for you and your family.

Should a pregnant woman get the flu shot?

Yes, a pregnant woman should be vaccinated against the flu to protect herself and her growing children. For more information about the flu vaccine safety during pregnancy, see Flu Vaccine and Pregnancy Safety.

How is the safety of the flu vaccine monitored?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) closely monitor the safety of vaccines approved for use in the United States. The CDC uses two main systems to monitor the safety of the flu vaccine:

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS):

An early warning system that helps the CDC and FDA monitor post-vaccination issues. Anyone can report possible Flu Shot Side Effects of the vaccine to VAERS. In general, VAERS reports cannot determine whether a vaccine is the result of a side effect, but these reports can help determine if further research is needed. Datalink Safety Datalink (VSD):

A collaboration between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, not a health organization that enables ongoing surveillance and preventive research on vaccine-related data.

People with egg allergies can get any approved and recommended age-appropriate flu vaccine (IIV4, RIV4, or LAIV4) that is otherwise appropriate. People with a history of severe egg allergy (people who have experienced symptoms other than urticaria after exposure to eggs) should be in a medical facility under the supervision of a doctor who may have severe allergic reactions.

Diagnosis and treatment, to be vaccinated. There are two completely egg-free (egg-free) flu vaccines: a recombinant tetravalent vaccine and a cell-based tetravalent vaccine.


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