Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)- 5 Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, & Treatment

Borderline Personality Disorder – Generally, there are two types of disease in the world. The first is a physical disease, and the other is a mental disease. Whenever someone has a physical disease, most of the time, you can tell by looking at it. For example, if someone has swelling in there, you can see it and tell them about it.

On the other hand, mental diseases or mental disorders are very hard to detect, and normal people do not even tell if someone has a mental disorder or not—for example, anxiety. The person with anxiety will look fine to you, and the person will eat normally and live normally. But, that person won’t be able to perform various tasks normally.

It is the 21st century, and mental disorders or mental diseases are not taboo. Different governments from advanced countries such as the United States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Europe are always working to educate people regarding different mental disorders. 

That is why we are here to discuss. Today we will talk about borderline personality disorder. Apart from that, we will talk about everything related towards such as its symptoms, causes, treatment, and diagnosis as well.

What is a Borderline Personality Disorder?

A borderline personality disorder is a mental disorder where a person affected with the disorder will have unstable moods, behavior, and relationships as well.

It is a very common mental disorder in the United States of America, as we record more than 3,000,000 cases of borderline personality disorder each year. 

A borderline personality disorder is a chronic disease, and it can last for years or whole life sometimes. Usually, it requires a medical diagnosis, and doctors can treat it.

Borderline Personality Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder

Causes of Borderline Personality Disorder

Now let’s take a look at the major causes of borderline personality disorder. Kindly remember that different people might experience borderline personality disorder due to different causes. But below given causes are the most common among reported cases of borderline personality disorder.

Abuse And Trauma

There is a huge list of people who have experienced borderline personality disorder due to some sort of abuse and trauma caused by the abuse. There are different kinds of abuse, starting from emotionally, physically, and sexually which can be a borderline personality disorder.

Apart from the above-given abuses, trauma can also play a major role in borderline personality disorder. For example, separation of parents can cause emotional trauma in an inner child, and it could result in borderline personality disorder.


Scientists have found that genetics can also play a major role in someone having a borderline personality disorder. Usually, this type of mental disorder runs in the family, and if a parent has a borderline personality disorder, there is a high probability that their child will also get it.

Environmental Factors

 In a recent study, scientists found that environmental factors may also cause a major risk of developing borderline personality disorder, also known as BPT. An unhappy environment around a vulnerable person may also trigger borderline personality disorder.

Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder 

Now let’s take a look at all the major symptoms of borderline personality disorder. Kindly remember that these symptoms usually appear in the late teenage years.

Borderline Personality Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder

Always remember that stressful events may trigger symptoms or make them worse in a person already affected with a borderline personality disorder. So if you know anyone struggling with the disease, kindly be patient under stressful conditions.

Mood Swings

One of the most common symptoms of borderline personality disorder is frequent and intense mood swings in a person affected by the disease. The mood swings are going to be more frequent than normal people have. Apart from that, these boards might also contain anger, anxiety, sadness, and hatred at the same time.

Relationship Stability

Usually, people struggling with a borderline personality disorder will have intense but short relationships. The affected person might fall in love too quickly and believe that the other person is now alive, but the whole charm will go away sooner than anyone can expect.

No relationship will have a middle ground. Either it’s going to be perfect or horrible. You should remember one thing if you are in a relationship with someone struggling with borderline personality disorder, then be patient.


If you or anyone you know have a borderline personality disorder, then keep an eye on the behavior of the affected person. Usually, people affected with borderline personality disorder may harm themselves. Apart from that, suicidal behavior is also very common among people studying with BPD.

If a person struggling with BPD harms himself, then there is not going to be any major reason at all. The affected person might cut himself over without even thinking twice. Usually, they have an unclear self-image, often filled with guilt and shame.

Impulsive Behavior

 In many studies, it has been very clear that people struggling with borderline personality disorder will have episodes of reckless driving, including gambling and fighting. Apart from that, they may also have an episode of substance abuse. Usually, behave like self-destruction, and it will be very hard to control them?

Depression and Paranoia

Along with the other symptoms, depression, and paranoia are also very common symptoms of people struggling with borderline personality disorder. Many personal effects will be paid and will feel sad and bored all the time.

Apart from that, they may also complain about feeling empty or worthless. They may constantly think that people don’t like them and they don’t want to spend time with them. They usually feel confused or out of shape.

Diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder

Once you know all the major causes and symptoms of borderline personality disorder, it is time for you to understand and learn about the diagnosis.

Unfortunately, there is no direct diagnosis available for borderline personality disorder. Usually, your doctor takes a note of your symptoms, and depending on those symptoms, your doctor might run a few tests to rule out other diseases.

For example, your doctor might ask you to meet a psychiatrist or psychologist to rule out any other mental disorder if you experience self-harm and depression.

Because borderline personality disorder is a mental disease that is why most of the symptoms you are going to experience due to the disease are also going to be mental health-related.

Apart from that, your doctor might ask you about your family medical history and if you have the medical history of your family, kindly keep it along with you.

As you are already aware, genetics play a huge role in having a borderline personality disorder, So your doctor might try to find if someone in your family also has similar symptoms.

Elimination of other diseases with similar symptoms is the first and last type of diagnosis you can receive for borderline personality disorder. Kindly don’t hide any symptoms from your doctor as it can be very dangerous, and your doctor might not be able to figure out borderline personality disorder without them.

Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder

 After diagnosing borderline personality disorder, your doctor might recommend a few combinations of treatments, including psychotherapy, medication, and hospitalization.

As you are already aware, there is no single diagnosis available to detect borderline personality disorder. Similarly, there is no singular treatment available for the same. Usually, the treatment takes time, and you have to be patient. 


The first thing your doctor recommends after detecting borderline personality disorder is psychotherapy. Along with that, your doctor might recommend you to get cognitive behavioral therapy or dialectical behavior therapy at the same time.


Apart from the therapy, your doctor might also recommend you a set of medications to help you lower the symptoms of borderline personality disorder. Usually, doctors recommend medication for anxiety and depression. Along with that, they also might recommend something to regulate mood swings and impulsive behavior at the same time.


A borderline personality disorder is a mental disorder. The United States recorded more than 3 million cases of the same each year. Usually, people affected with a borderline personality disorder will have symptoms such as mood swings, self-harm, and uncontrollable behavior.

There are a few causes, but the biggest cause of borderline personality disorder is trauma or abuse. Usually, doctors don’t have anything to diagnose a borderline personality disorder, but doctors use methods of elimination to rule out other diseases and disorders.

Can I do something to prevent borderline personality disorder?

Usually, there is no way to prevent borderline personality disorder. If you or someone in your family is at risk of getting borderline personality disorder, then you can contact your doctor and talk about it as early as possible. We have also listed a few symptoms which you can experience in your late teenage years.

When should I consult with my doctor regarding borderline personality disorder?

If you are experiencing any symptoms related to borderline personality disorder, you can let your doctor know as soon as possible. Usually, people take more time to consult with their doctor, and between that time, they might harm themselves. It is always a wise decision to let your doctor or call 911 in case you start having suicidal thoughts.


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